Sunday, November 2, 2008

a few weeks old...

The many things wrong with the world ESPECIALLY America

I just finished watching a news clip on McCain, who suspended his campaign just now to act like he is taking care of the economic crisis that has struck America. After he had been called by Obama who proposed that they get together to make this announcement as a group effort and this would have shown that the two were more interested in taking care of this issue. He took this opportunity to show that he is not interested in working across the aisle as he has claimed as of late to make a show for the cameras. He could have said, “Yes, let’s not make this about the campaign. We are both Senators who want to improve America together.” Instead McCain tried to out shine Obama. Why can’t the people who are in this country work together? Everything is always a competition here. This campaign has been filled with lies. Not just from McCain, but McCain is showing a poor attitude in my opinion by being unwilling to even look like he can work together with any of the democrats. McCain’s good friend Donald Trump was also on CNN earlier today to talk about how McCain would be a better presidential candidate than Obama, but at the same time, discussed his hatred toward Bush. If you all haven’t been paying attention lately to the issues going on, McCain’s positions are a lot like Bush’s current policies. Donald Trump however made the asinine comment that people RESPECT McCain more so than Bush, but what does the respect level of someone have to do with how they are going to lead a country? The worst part is Trump used to support Hillary, so basically Trump is a moron who thinks he is voting for Prom King and not the next President of the United States of America. I hope the majority of American’s aren’t as stupid as this numb nut. He then has the nerves to brag about the new club he just bought for a couple million and continues to tell the world that we should be going out and buying houses. Does he not realize that this problem was created because people who couldn’t afford to buy houses were trying to buy houses? Besides that the average American is struggling to pay their bills, put food on the table (if they are lucky to have a table to put food on), and to get gas in their car. Trump is a moron, and he should be the last person to be giving political advice to anyone. I hope CNN never asks him to come on their channel again, but I now digress and will move on.
Besides the current political fiasco of today, the world is going to hell. China as I hope you are all now aware has 53,000+ babies who have gallstones because they decided that construction products were a good source of protein for their citizens. Unfortunately, China sells this shit to America, Malaysia, and other countries all over the world. This is the second year in a row Melamine has been found in food products coming out of China. Remember the dogs that died because of the contaminated dog food last year. Why are countries still doing business with a country that has such a blatant disregard for the safety of their own people? And while other countries are taking all items off their shelf that have been made in China, America is insisting to just do tests before acting any further. I thought our government was supposed to protect us? It has become apparent that the Bush administration doesn’t care for what it does to the hard working citizens that pay its salaries, but why aren’t people crying out in anger? Bill Clinton slept with someone outside his marriage and people were calling for his impeachment, and George Bush has illegally done illegal wire tapping, tried appointing his maid to a political position, allowed the economy to end up where it is now, has shown a blatant disregard to the safety and well being of us Americans, and no one is speaking out against this?
The education system of America is about as worse as I can imagine. Public schools are failing to meet requirements across the board. The government isn’t upset about this, parents aren’t appearing too upset about this, and teachers who are trying to improve the next generation are struggling to get proper supplies or even a decent wage. Of course the politicians in Washington don’t care though; they are making fortunes from our tax dollars while they are sending their kids to the best private schools possible. Why are we paying for people to live so well while they are working at making our lives so difficult? They are more concerned about banning same sex marriage than they are in making sure that the people who are working and struggling continue struggle. That isn’t completely their fault I suppose religion has blinded people from seeing what really matters. I thought we were the land of the FREE not the land of the oppressed. Why is our government trying to restrict the way we live our lives? Cigarettes are legal and they kill millions a year, while weed is ILLEGAL because it allows people to relax. It can be used medicinally, that shows it can’t be as bad a cigarettes. Have you seen anyone prescribe a case Marlboros to a patient? If this government is supposed to be looking out for the people and doing things for our best interest, I don’t want their help. We are more restricted here than many of the people in Canada and Europe. Why do Americans insist we are so much better? We don’t have public health care like many other countries have, we don’t have a government that wishes that we can take vacations, we don’t even have a government that allows our troops fighting for our so called freedom to have a beer. This country is better than this. Even the scary country of Iran doesn’t interfere with the lives of its citizens as much as the US. Why aren’t more people upset? More importantly, how did it get this way? This land of the free is the land of the incompetent now, and that is exactly what the people in Washington collecting our tax dollars wants. At least that is my assumption, or I would expect them to want to make going to college easier for its citizens. It would want to do what a government is supposed to do, which is take care of its people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well i think your right about most things here too. First Trump can afford houses so if he wants to buy them up than thats fine. And if people can afford to by houses then I think they should. At least they can take over these loans that people cant afford. Kinda like your parents. They buy you and hour brother a house, then consider buying you a condo. So this is obviously to buy mulitple houses as long as you can afford it. Like Trump. He supported Hillory and not Obama because of national security interest. I admit hes not a very good man but however he is a great business man and can manange money very well. As his empire of luxary shows. As far as the schools that the fault of the parents. Teachers can't teach a kid everything. Alot is up to the parents and they dont do the job they are supposed to. I dont care about that cause i will never having any fucking kids.