Friday, October 31, 2008

Vote Obama 2008

As the election is approaching, a fairly large amount of people are still undecided. I have made up my mind to support Barack Obama, and decided in October of last year. It was a fairly easy decision for me to make; since, I am against many of the policies that Bush implemented in his eight years of office. He has tried to lower the standards to protect our environment, this would allow corporations to give off more CO2 into our atmosphere, then he wanted to make it harder to place animals on the threatened or endangered species lists, and has he has shown a total lack of consideration for what people who have a hell of a lot more education than he could ever achieve without his daddy paying off the dean (Yes I am talking about scientists). Despite what they have told him regarding stem cell research, global warming, and the dangers in staying this dangerous and reckless course that he is determined to follow. Instead, he, as always, sided with a book of fiction that is over 2000 years old. Amazingly this book, the bible, advocates for slavery, discrimination, sexism, and many things that in today’s world have been outlawed, and it has no proof of being even remotely accurate. Yet this is his go to source for answers when a hard question comes to his attention. His belief in what the bible calls for has hindered America and her citizens in a way that could take years to fix.
When it came to the matter of stem cell research, he said that the jury was still out on that one. I understand that many people are against abortions and in turn stem cell research, but it must be understood that this research could potentially save millions of lives, cure handicapping diseases like Parkinson’s, the disease most famously effecting the young actor Michael J Fox, and helping the paralyzed walk again. Science is the keystone to civilization as we know it. Without it we would be living just as the Greeks, Romans, and Native Americans did centuries ago. To deny science and all its benefits is too hinder people from progressing to having a better life, could you imagine a life without the light bulb or the computer that you are reading this on?. Sadly, John McCain believes in the same philosophy as Bush. He is for stem cell research, but he against the use of obtaining stem cells from embryos, which is one of the best sources for these stem cells. He claims to be for alternative energies such as Solar, Wind, Bio-fuels, and Wave Energy. Why? He wants to go to Nuclear Energy. In the Navy, he was made aware of our submarines that run on nuclear power, but he was never inside these subs as a pilot he was in cockpits submerged under the ocean waves. Sadly, no one must have told him about the radioactive waste which we have no way of disposing of in a safe manner. The landfill site for nuclear waste in Nevada isn’t a solution it’s a mask to hide the problem, but this landfill isn't benefiting anyone in the world especially those living in Nevada. The government was acting as it always does, if it has a problem it throws money at it while dumping to issue onto someone else to make it go away. Of course Nevada can't deal with it in a more productive way than the government could have done, but if the government had just discussed this with the "evil" scientists (it is important that they learn to trust them at some point in time) and made a collaborative attempt to solve the issue.
Also, he claims to be ready for taking over the highest office in the world, but for a vice presidential candidate, he chose Palin, who GOP members have made comments about her being the hardest candidate to bring up to speed on world issues than any other in HISTORY. Is this man truly ready to be president of the United States? Or is he just seeking power to have, to accomplish an unknown agenda, or does he feel the people of the US owe it to him for his five year incarceration in the Hanoi Hilton (since that is a large part of his campaign speeches)? It is hard to say, but Barack Obama is a man of hope and dignity, who only wishes to assist the normal people of America, not the richest of America. He wants to make sure that America can keep its promises, and that it can provide for it young citizens in the very same way it provided for him, scholarship, lower tuition costs, and the promise that if you strive for success you can achieve it. In the past eight years has your life become easier? Have you been able to send your kids or maybe even yourself to college? Have you been able to pay your medical bills as well as provide for your family at the same time? If you answered “No” to just one of these questions a vote for McCain is completely against your interest as citizen of America. Sadly most of you will be answering to "No" to all three and had others going through your head.
Remember our Government is supposed to work for us not against us. It isn’t supposed to send our young brothers and sisters into a war for personal gain or to restore dignity to their families last name(which for Bush, I believe worked in the opposite direction). It should do everything it can to avoid wars, not wage them, it should look out for the interest of the majority and lower class, not their friends, their own, and those of the rich and famous. I don’t believe these things have been accomplished or for that matter attempted with this administration, and that is why I am voting Obama on Nov. 4th because I want my government to work for me and my family, not for the lobbyists and rich. When the wealthiest 5% of the world are in control of 99% of the wealth of the world, this is a sign for global change. Obama has lately been called a Socialist by John McCain, but socialism isn't all that evil. It has many advantages that Capitalism does not, but more importantly, Socialism doesn't allow for greed to cripple an entire country. Why does the idea of our government and our selves looking out for our neighbors and friends frighten people so much? Are we so absorbed in ourselves that we can no longer provide aid for those less fortunate then ourselves?


Valerie said...


Valerie said...

i have some thoughts on nuclear energy that we can discuss sometime...
don't let me forget

Anonymous said...

The word Nuclear has been used to many times to scare people. Just like terrorist. Nuclear power is in my opnion one of the only ways we are gonig to find a means to an end with the energy crisis. No form of combostable power is renewable.. Not bio fuel not bio anything. Im sorry but solar power is one of the only ways to get energy. Nuclear waste is difficult to get rid of yes. It is hard to decrease the half life of a radio active material. But we do know how to do it with magnetic fiels and very low tempertaures. 1 or 2 degrees K. Navy has been using it for sometime now without problems. Also France is a great example of nuclear power. Anyway if we do want to stable fusion generator (a mini sun) we will need to keep studing nuclear power. Oh and by the way right now we use nuclear fision.